Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Interestingly Uninteresting!

I sit at the dinner table intrigued by guests with different ideologies, phylosphies and idiosyncrasies.
It is beneath the table that my barefooted princess sits in her frilly party dress and pinches my toes
And finds it hilarious each time I twitch
The dinner party chit chat soon become interstingly uninteresting
As her snigger beneath the table soon draws away my attention

Her free spirit, her childlike manner immediately grabs me and I wish I could join her
Perhaps it is something about the conversation or perhaps its just me that has finally found what matters most
I have no want or need to exonerate myself as my dinner guests continues to do
My mind wanders and makes me think about how idol chit chat can often do that!.... distract you….to the extent that I want to climb under the table and play….I grew no more than when I walked in at the door. No disrespect to the guests…just an observation and if anything, a consolation if they were feeling the same way….

I was there but not there …. A little person comes to sit next to me and I decide to engage in conversation but am suddenly conscious of the proper behavior I am expected to display…it would be rude, I gather, to display such indiscreet behaviour in this stereotypical society of expectations, however, her conversation, a lot more interesting than the uninteresting chit chat at the dinner table.

I am reminded at the end of such an evening that when my girls run around free and with no inhibitions of their expression that I have raised strong beautiful courageous children that have no care in the world about stereotypes and have developed uniqueness and strength of character.

Some may say, spoilt and out of control, I say, Interestingly interesting little people that I would have a dinner party with any day. Each to its own, I have the greatest respect for different ideologies, philosophies, idiosyncrasies and lifestyles, however, do not want to be bound by one or the other and it was so beautiful to see their diversity and freedom of expression that I so desperately steer them to possess.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful piece. Made me think. Children are brave. They put themselves out there. They can be unpopular to most. They ask questions that should not be asked. They play when they want to. Free. I dare you to tune in the child in you.
